Friday, March 6, 2009

Close to My Heart

If you only knew how long I have wanted my very own blog. I have been talking about starting one for almost a year now-and now I finally have one! I thought for a while what my very first post should be could be about an interesting day at work (working at a day care, every day is interesting). It could be about my friends, or possibly about school, but I have decided to write about the thing closest to my heart family. I have the most wonderful family in the whole world. I have great parents and two awsome sisters. I do not express my feelings very much and I rarely tell those I care about how much they really mean to me. But, that does not change the way I feel about them. I thought I would take some time to talk about each of my family members:

My Dad: I have a great dad. He is hilarious! He's always there to cheer me up when I have a bad day. He is so much FUN. But more importantly, he is a great leader and example to me. He is a quiet leader. I just look to him, to see what I should do next. He is the kinda man that leads by example. I admire my dad more than any one else on earth.

My Mom: I have a great mom. She is amazing! She is just the type of mother, wife, and lady I want to be like one day. She has a completely opposite personality than i do -she is so sanguine! :) However, all in all I can simply describe her as the Proverbs 31 woman- now than I am getting older I can certanly rise up and call her "blessed."

My Big Sis: Nicole. Nicole is 3 years older than me. she has always been there for me. I remember several times in my life, when classmates were mean to me, she would always be by my side ready to defend me. Over the past two years, Nicole and I have gotten extremely close. She is more than a sister, but my best friend.

My Little Sis: Lauren. Lauren is 3 years younger than me. To sum up Lauren's and my relationship it would be, at times I want to strangle her, but I know I would kill for her." I love lauren so much. We disagree a lot, and we rub each other wrong a lot, but the moment someone says something bad about my little better watch out- they will get it. She is a unique person. She is so energetic, and has a lot of potential.



  1. This is really sharp. This will be fun to update and put pictures on. See you later:)

  2. Well, I thought I'd get to be the first to comment on your blog, but I guess that didn't work out! ;)

  3. You are still number three:) God, me...
