Monday, January 11, 2010

Second Semester Sophmore...

Well, today was my first day back to school. I am actually pretty exited about this semester. Although, to be completely honest I would have to say I really do not particularly enjoy school. I don't like the pressure, the tests, the quizzes, and the countless hours of sitting in the classroom, and did I mention the homework...the reports. Simply, I am not a great student. Now I do like to learn- but college always stresses me out. However, this semester I am excited. No- not about the homework and tests. Actually I am already dreading that. But I am looking at this school year a little differently. Last semester and the semester before I saw that I cannot do it. I simply cannot get through college, go to work every day, date, have ministries, and try to spend time with my family. I can't. I try and I try- I simply get so stressed out! And I don't know why- but I can't handle it. So this semester I'm giving it all over to God. Yes, I will still have to studying for two- three hours for every tests. But instead of stressing out between work and school. I am going to rely on God. Somehow in my hectic schedule of 2009 I forgot the several promises God made to me. I forgot that God is my helper. God wants to help me. He knows how I get weak I am. He knows how I get sick and stressed out. I personally think He allows me to get this way to get my attention. Without this weakness,- I would completely forget my Helper, my God. This semester like any other will have its share of difficulties and trials. However this semester will be one in which I try God, and I am confident that God will show Himself in a real and mighty way to me.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I understand not liking school... I can't say I'm a huge fan, but I now am seeing the value of it.
